PT. Indonesia Epson Industry : ENGINEERING & STAFF
PT. Indonesia Epson Industry (furthermore IEI), is a leading and huge printer manufacturing company in EJIP Industrial Park, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi; located in east side of Jakarta, close to Lippo Cikarang housing. The distance from east side of Jakarta is about 31 kilometers. This area can reach about one and half hours from Jakarta bisnis district (morning), and about 2 hours in the peak hours. In general, we produce two kinds of Epson printers: Ink-Jet dan SIDM (Serial Impact Dot Matrix) Printers, with its various models. Our production capacity is more than 1 million printers in a month (achieved on August 2005); most of all are for export market. Currently more than 7,000 employees work in this factory (in a peak season –July to November, it could be 10,000 employees involved). Almost 200 persons among them works closely to engineering matters.
1. Staff HRM, Rekrutmen
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1. Staff HRM, Rekrutmen
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